Tuesday, January 15, 2013

It's Just a (Swedish) Rabbit...

I finished my blog over at the Swedish Institute's website. Here's my final post about...a bunny...


It’s just a rabbit! (This isn’t Champis.) Photo by: Larry D. Moore (CC BY-SA 3.0)


  1. Hi Kristin, just wanted to see what you are up to these days?

    1. Hej Monica,

      I guess I took a little unplanned hiatus from blogging. Not sure when I will be back but I will. I really appreciate your interest! - Kristin

    2. I understand I just wanted to say Hi and I hope you would be continuing with your blogging here shortly. Enjoy your hiatus though you probably need it.

  2. I just wanted to say hi and that I am glad you are blogging here. I just read on the other blog that you had stopped writing there and worried for a moment it meant all together

  3. Hej Kristin! I just read your latest article on Sweden.se and it is nice seeing your columns again. Good luck.

  4. Hi Kristin,

    I read your article on Sweden Jobs onsweden.se . Google took me there, good blogging ;)
    I would really like to have a few words with you, over the phone, chat, email whatever you feel confortable with. I've got an Italian passportship and I'm moving to Malmö on July 214 and since i've got time, I wanna do things right and it seems you've got good intel =D

    My name is Tomas Hughes, you can reach me here:

    Thanks a lot!

  5. Hi Kristen, this is Susan and Fritz formerly of San Anselmo, CA I just wrote a long note to you that seems to have gone nowhere, so sorry if I'm repeating myself. We haven't checked in with you in awhile - we sold our house, moved, new town, etc.

    Let me know if you get that, we would like to catch up.
